March 22, 2016

Denim Jacket styled two ways for spring

floral skirt, pink peplum top, black skinny jeans, kendra scott necklace, steve madden strap sandals

1. Blouse: H&M ($18) // 2. Necklace: Kendra Scott // 3. Peplum Top: H&M
4. Denim Jacket: H&M ($30) // 5. Floral Skirt: J. Crew 
6. Black Skinny Jeans: H&M ($20)
7. Lipstick: YSL // 8. Ring: Coralia’s // 9. Sandal: Steve Madden
10. Satchel: Forever 21 ($28) // 11. Sandal: Steve Madden

A couple of looks for spring.

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I got the message below yesterday.  If you are another blogger - do you ever feel this way?  When my husband and I discuss my blog - this is usually his rationale and thoughts exactly about my blog - that the majority of blogs never make it - and most blogs are just another needle in a haystack never to be found.

"Here's the scary reality: Most blogs do not "make it." 

In fact, a majority of blogs never get many pageviews, never grow an audience, and never make a penny. #HarshReality

So, Lisa, what are you doing today or this week to get the traffic and income you want from your blog?

If you're like most of the people I speak to, you might be doing some of these things...

• Spending hours a day chasing your tail because there is SO.MUCH. information online.
• Losing time with your loved ones while you're hustling to make something work (and then feeling guilty when it doesn't).
• Spending money on tools and gadgets that are supposed to help you, when they only end up being a waste of money. 
• Watching as your confidence dwindles while you publish fantastic content that no one reads.
• Wondering how in the world other bloggers and content creators have "made it." Did they "know someone?" Did they just get lucky? Is there some secret formula to success?!" 

So, I wonder - she is offering a program to help grow blogs.  My thought is whether she is preying on bloggers, like me - who want to grow. BUT, can she really help?  She mentions on her blog - that this type of program that she put together has earned her 50K in February.  She made 50K from people signing up for her program!  So, she is making money off of people wanting to make money.  Part of me has trouble with that process but people are paying.

What are your thoughts - has anyone tried these courses and have they really worked? Or are they like the infomercial for a product that looks wonderful - but when you get it - you are disappointed?

I am participating in the following link-ups.


  1. Oh, we are so much on the same page!!! It feels like everyone now is offering e-courses. I don't even know, I'm at the "don't give a F*@#" stage of the game. I am only doing what I love...

  2. LOVE your picks. That floral skirt is too cute!

  3. I love a good denim jacket- super versatile.

    I would be wary of emails/messages like that- doesn't it just seem too good to be true?

    Le Stylo Rouge

  4. All of this, same exact feelings! I'm also hesitant to take these courses, so if she had enough people that she made $50K, is she just going to tell us, make an ecourse, that's how you make your money? hehe...I'm so torn about that type of stuff. And your outfits today are spot on, love them!

  5. That skirt with the demim jacket, so so cute! Weird Lisa, I got a Similar email yesterday about the courses. I know a local blogger who has been blunt, she has made money off those who want to make money with courses like these that don't really tell us anything new or anything that can't already be found upon the net. No way would I sign up, like Deena, just doing what I love! ;-)

  6. The floral skirt looks great.
    I've never taken a blogging course.

  7. fun picks! that colorful skirt is darling!

  8. First of all that floral skirt is so gorgeous! Secondly, we haven't done any of these courses, and I feel like there isn't anything that they could tell you that you couldn't find out online. There is so much good free info out there.
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  9. The J Crew skirt is amazing ! I know it's hard to be a successful blogger, I don't feel too preassured but I think studying strategies can be very useful. We never stop learning. Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion & beauty blog

  10. I love that printed skirt!

    Mónica Sors



  11. Great picks! Love all of them!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}


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